Order form
Oranienstr. 163
10969 Berlin
E-Mail: rainbow(at)healingvoice.de
Orders only with payment in advance
After we receive the order form below, we will send you confirmation by email. The CD's will be sent to you when we have received your payment.
Please transfer the amount indicated on the invoice to the following account:
Account Holder: Rainbow Woman Production
Bank: Postbank Frankfurt am Main
IBAN: DE21 5001 0060 0657 1716 02 BIC: PBNKDEF
Account Number: 65 71 71 602 BLZ: 500 100 60
Please enter the name which you used on the order form in the box “reference”, so that we can match your payment to your order.
Please read the Terms of Ordering Bestellmodalitäten !for your own accounts. Many thanks.
Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact our Mail Order Department:
Since 1st January 2014 the mail-order department has been run by the Gehler-Wolff Family. You may order your CDs here.
Bad Belzig (near Berlin)
Please indicate the number of CD's that you wish to purchase next to the name of the CD.